How Pregnancy Weeks Are Calculated
How Pregnancy Weeks Are Calculated
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How Pregnancy Weeks Are Calculated ,Pregnancy is an average of 40 weeks, or 280 days, long. However, this is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period—before you’ve finished bleeding, before you’ve ovulated and (often) before you’ve engaged in any, um, baby-making activity.
This means, if you have a 28-day cycle, you’re already considered two weeks pregnant at the time of ovulation, and four weeks pregnant by the time your next period is due. Confusing, right?!
It’s also important to remember that this is an average: The length of your pregnancy could be longer or shorter than 40 weeks.
How many weeks pregnant am I?

Home pregnancy tests measure hCG in your urine, which starts being produced right after implantation. However, it takes a few days for it to accumulate enough in your urine to be detectable. Home pregnancy tests won’t show a positive pregnancy until you’re at least 5 to 6 days away from the expected date of your next period. At this point, you’re already more than three weeks pregnant. If you took the test on the date of your expected period, you’re considered four weeks pregnant (if you have a 28 day cycle).
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